Kernel Video Sharing

è un CMS di livello professionale per la creazione e la gestione di reti e siti Web di video.

Un ottimo sito inizia con un'idea.

Un'idea che puoi realizzare con KVS.

KVS Order

Tutte le funzionalità di cui hai bisogno per avere successo.

Costruttore di siti web completamente personalizzabile e
Crea nuove pagine e modifica quelle che hai già senza dover pagare nessuno sviluppatore. Le pagine modulari create dal nostro costruttore di siti non richiedono la modifica del codice PHP.
HTML5 Supporto
Video HD e mobili
Monetizza il tuo sito senza problemi e apporta tutte le modifiche richieste da una particolare campagna. Il nostro lettore è stato costruito per i siti di tubi e soddisfa tutte le attuali esigenze del mercato.
Modelli Responsive
Ottimizzati per i Motori di Ricerca
Consenti ai visitatori di navigare nel tuo sito attraverso un'interfaccia responsive che si adatta a qualsiasi schermo, offrendo un'esperienza perfetta su desktop, laptop, tablet e smartphone.
Ottimizzato per carichi pesanti
Codice PHP aperto al 100%.
Non è necessario spendere soldi per costosi hardware server. KVS è pronto a gestire subito tonnellate di traffico. Hai il pieno controllo su tutto e puoi apportare modifiche illimitate ogni volta che ne hai bisogno.
Supporto diretto
da parte degli sviluppatori
Non forniamo mai assistenza clienti avvalendoci di operatori terzi. Tutte le tue domande e problemi vengono gestiti dagli stessi sviluppatori che ovviamente conoscono il loro prodotto dentro e fuori.
Aggiornamenti e miglioramenti non si fermano mai
KVS significa 15 anni di sviluppo e miglioramento continui. Anche se il prodotto è diventato popolare e stabile abbastanza velocemente, non abbiamo mai smesso di perfezionarlo. La maggior parte dei nostri clienti possiede siti di alto livello.
Canali di monetizzazione multipli
Monetizza il tuo sito utilizzando il nostro sistema di fatturazione avanzato. KVS supporta tutti i processori di pagamento più diffusi tra cui CCBill, Epoch, SegPay, NATS, Zombaio, Vendo, xBill ecc.
Sistema multi-server
Il tempo è denaro. Non sprecare entrambi elaborando grandi volumi di contenuti. KVS supporta l'elaborazione parallela dei contenuti da parte di più server di conversione. Rimarrai colpito dalla velocità con cui KVS può essere.
Sistema multilingue
Non limitare la tua crescita. Crea più versioni del sito in diverse lingue e ottieni più traffico internazionale. Gestisci le versioni linguistiche nel pannello di amministrazione.

Cosa dicono di noi i clienti

We have been using KVS now for some time and we haven't looked back since. Our experience has been nothing but great since day one. KVS meets all the modern requirements in today's dynamic market. It will suit any business models as new versions are released frequently with new features added all the time. On top of this, the script is amazingly flexible and lets you reconfigure it as...

We have been using this script for a few years now. We’re so happy we’re gradually moving our major sites to it. KVS offers a great combo of features, content processing and site administration options, and a very easy to use template engine. Add the highly professional support team and you get one of the leading products on the market today. Our recommendations!

We use KVS on several successful sites with more than 1 million pageviews per day and it has always been a stable and efficient script. It can handle big sites with ease. Their support staff is fast and exceptionally helpful and it's one of the many reasons why we keep turning back to KVS for our new sites. I give it my highest recommendation for building your tube site.

We have been testing this script and using it for a few years now. I believe no script can be a competition to KVS in today’s market. An impressive balance between ease of use, customization options, and a promising set of powerful features.

We have been using this product to build and run some of our sites. It offers incredible ease of use when managing and configuring a site, the server load is minimal and pages load really fast. We appreciate all the help KVS Team offered when we were setting up and customizing Kernel Video Sharing for these sites. We wish them nothing but success in taking their product further.

I really like Kernel Video Sharing. I am always looking for a new script to help me get my work done faster and naturally easier. I always watch out for trouble when adding a new scrip. A lot of these things just don’t work and it takes days to fix the errors that they cause. So, I was pleasantly surprised when this script just didn’t show any troubles. Then the ease of use really blew me...

Let me join all the people here and say this script rocks. I can’t even begin listing all the features. It’s a real Rubik’s cube, you just combine the parts in the way you want.

Our team have been slicing templates for KVS for several years already. We love how dynamic this script is, always moving forward. In our experience, all issues were handled by the support department right away. If you need something which is not there yet, you may be sure it will be pretty soon after you tell them about it. Having built dozens of KVS-powered sites we are now sure this...

We have been building and supporting turnkey sites for quite a while now. For most video-based sites, we used Kernel Video Sharing. Currently we believe KVS is the best choice for tube sites. There are just so many ways to customize the templates to meet your needs. We like that you can use basic features for standard sites as well as implement advanced features for more complex sites with many...

We are a design studio which has been around for a while. We design templates for all sorts of scripts, but KVS really impressed us with how special and flexible it is. In the tube script market, this is our definite favorite. KVS lets you build anything, not just tube sites. Personal sites, social sites, you name it. It’s a powerful engine and lets us use all sorts of design gimmicks....

The KVS tube script was exactly what our team has been looking for. The script has unlimited possibilities which can satisfy even the tech people which are really hard to please. Besides that, the script is perfectly stable. We have more than 500K unique visitors on one of our tube sites and we never had any problems. There are a lot of features, but the script is easy to use and the...

I had my doubts at first. I spent quite a bit of time considering the purchase and I was really skeptical towards KVS. It looked overly complicated and hard to understand. Then, I spent some time studying the demo of the admin panel and read the detailed manual. Done, I wanted KVS. I purchased it and never regretted doing so. A fantastic sctipt, no less. I have never seen anything better,...

This script is very easy to use. The best thing for video based sites in my opinion. Never regretted choosing it. The support team are great, they respond fast and are super easy to understand.

I have gone through tons of scripts and all of them seemed to have their pros and cons. Clipshare and KVS were my favorites. IMHO one should just ignore the rest. I chose KVS, what do I say now? Pretty happy with it. I like how my site is built of these modules which you can combine in any way you want. You just need to know a bit of HTML. Fits my special needs perfectly. I really needed...

I switched to KVS, I also use other sites and can compare different scripts. This stuff rules. The admin area has all the features I needed, even more. Two languages there as well, with detailed instructions about anything you may want to know. Nothing to complain about in terms of how it works, really well thought through and handy.

I have been using KVS as a tube site backend since April. The first week was introductory, then I customized the script the way I wanted. It’s very much a set of tools, when you know what you want, you’ll build it. The support team turned out to be very nice, thanks a lot, guys. If you are just starting and can afford the license, let me tell you this, buy KVS and you’ll never regret it. I...

I have been in the web development business for a while and I know the features of all major CMS scripts. So I’m really demanding when it comes to a tube site’s backend. This script meets all the modern demands and is suitable for any site. This includes microtubes and install and forget sites and for major sites as well. Though you will need to invest in customization in the latter case....

KVS was perfect for our site. If only we had known about it before. It would have saved us tons of $$$ and nerves! KVS is a great buy. Originally our site was running on another script but it just couldn’t handle the load. We decided to build the site from scratch which meant spending thousands of dollars and a few months. Not exactly something you’re happy about. When we purchased KVS...

Several years working with this script, previously tried many different solutions, but not one of them can not even half of all that can boast of KVS. I want to share my recent experience: my last site was launched as a side project in the basic version of the engine, but the site has grown very rapidly in terms of attendance and at the moment it has more than one million page views daily. Due...

Pronto per iniziare a fare affari con i professionisti e costruire un sito di successo basato su KVS?

I nostri risultati

15 anni di successo

Nel 2009 abbiamo rilasciato la prima versione della piattaforma di tubi di nuova generazione.

Da quasi 15 anni sviluppiamo KVS, rendendolo così il sistema di contenuti video più professionale al mondo.

15 anni di successo


Il traffico totale dei progetti KVS ammonta a oltre 300 milioni di persone al giorno.

Siamo assolutamente sicuri di ciò di cui hanno bisogno gli utenti e i webmaster e stabiliamo le tendenze per Youtube e altri importanti media.

Utenti di YouTube
Utenti di riepilogo KVS


I grandi progetti scelgono KVS o migrano a KVS.

Molti dei più grandi siti web si sono sviluppati con noi e hanno provato tutte le versioni di KVS, diventando ogni anno più veloci e più funzionali.



KVS è caratterizzato dal CMS più veloce sul mercato.

Fin dall'inizio abbiamo prestato particolare attenzione all'ottimizzazione e continuiamo a farlo anche con le nuove versioni.



Un insieme casuale di server per KVS è il nostro punto di forza.

Per un lungo periodo di sviluppo di KVS, abbiamo creato un sistema conveniente ed espandibile per l'archiviazione e l'elaborazione di dati fotografici e video.



In 15 anni abbiamo lanciato più di 60 aggiornamenti e introdotto più di 1000 miglioramenti.

Non abbiamo mai sbagliato un singolo progetto e non abbiamo mai sbagliato un singolo cliente. Sappiamo per certo come farlo in modo corretto e sicuro.



Non abbiamo supporto in outsourcing e non facciamo perdere tempo ai nostri clienti in trattative.

Apprezziamo il tempo e i progetti dei nostri clienti, quindi sarai sempre in grado di ottenere la risposta più professionale e completa alle tue domande.


Una breve storia di KVS


KVS v6.2.1 update is available for download

08 April, 2024

KVS 6.2.1 update: bugfixing for PHP8 support, support for Cloudflare Turnstile captcha, better support for S3 server connection, ability to cut videos via import / grabbers and some more enhancements and bugfixes.

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KVS 6.2.0

30 October, 2023

KVS 6.2.0 is available in beta mode: PHP 8.1 support in beta mode, tectonic changes in conversion engine, ability to merge screenshots of vertical videos into one, all categorization list_xxx and xxx_view blocks switched to nextgen with new features, SphinxSearch support for albums and search queries.

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KVS v6.1.2 update is available for download

24 July, 2023

KVS 6.1.2 update: bugfixes for 6.1.0, plus several new features: chunked upload and subdirectories support in S3 storage servers, video resolution type (HD, 4K, 5K, and higher), admin panel night mode and some small enhancements for the admin panel.

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KVS 6.1.0

05 June, 2023

KVS 6.1.0 is available in beta mode: Admin panel usability improvements based on your feedback, S3 storage support, video watermark hardening, random usernames generation, better admin security, search SEO features, email notifications for admins!

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KVS v6.0.1 update is available for download

21 November, 2022

KVS 6.0.1 update: Beta testing bugfixes plus several new features: more token features in internal messages, more filters for videos and albums, highlighting of mentioned videos in feedbacks for easier DMCA handling.

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KVS 6.0.0

13 September, 2022

KVS 6.0.0 is available in beta mode: End of support for KVS 4.x, new admin panel GUI, player advertising enhancements, support for and other enhancements.

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KVS v5.5.1 update is available for download

18 February, 2022

KVS 5.5.1 update: Maintenance release to fix recent security vulnerability, but also contains a dozen of enhancements that we were able to push through. Meanwhile we are slightly moving forward with the new admin panel GUI.

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KVS now has a plugin for Wordpress

31 January, 2022

KVS now has a plugin for Wordpress, which provides easy way to automate your Wordpress sites with videos from KVS.

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KVS 5.5.0

30 July, 2021

KVS 5.5.0 is available in beta mode: "Nextgen" KVS architecture started, integration with, enhancements in player advertising, some usability enhancements in admin panel and more.

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KVS v5.4.0 update is available for download

09 April, 2021

KVS 5.4.0 update: beta testing phase is over, you can download update in customer zone on KVS website. There is a known issue with displaying flags in massedit GUI. Please refer to forum post on how to solve that.

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KVS 5.4.0

04 March, 2021

KVS 5.4.0 is available in beta mode: new way of running background processes, integration with, better content import and grabbers, some enhancements in limiting video duration, new way of managing conversion task priorities and much more.

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KVS v5.3.0 update is available for download

04 January, 2021

KVS 5.3.0 update: beta testing phase is over, you can download update in customer zone on KVS website.

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Happy New Year!

31 December, 2020

Happy New Year from KVS team!

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KVS 5.3.0

30 November, 2020

KVS 5.3.0 is available in beta mode: attaching pre-rolls / post-rolls into video files, bulk-update via import GUI, admin toolbar in site area, better admin panel notifications, granulated editing permissions for albums, corrected cookie settings, ability for members to automatically delete their profiles and other enhancements.

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KVS 5.2.0

26 June, 2020

KVS 5.2.0 is available in beta mode: better conversion engine, better video watermarks, screenshot cropping enhanced, better support for vertical screenshots, more features in importing and exporting feeds, anti-spam module, major improvements in VAST monetization, chunked file uploads, AWE Black Label integration, Single Sign-On feature and many other improvements.

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KVS 5.1.1

22 October, 2019

KVS 5.1.1 is available for download: player enhancements, admin panel performance improvements, ability to filter by quality in grabbers, support for NATS User Management and dozen of other enhancements in various areas

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KVS 5.1.0

02 August, 2019

KVS 5.1.0 is available in beta mode: WebP support in video screenshots, player VAST and VPAID enhancements, new player stats, free VAST from, animated GIFs in video formats, CTR rotator enhancements and performance improvements, and other.

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KVS 5.0.1

23 April, 2019

KVS 5.0.1 is available in beta mode: now you can update your 4.x and 3.x projects to 5.0 and migrate to PHP 7. Check details for specific requirements and limitations regarding KVS 5 and PHP 7. Visit KVS forum for detailed info about 5.0.1 update.

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KVS 5.0.0

25 March, 2019

KVS 5.0.0 is available for new installations: PHP7 support, inactive categorization, new billings API, GIF support in photo albums, adblock protection in advertising, search queries performance optimization, admin panel usability improvements and dozen of other enhacements! There is also player hotfix for 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 to resolve VAST issue in UC Browser.

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KVS 4.0.3

06 September, 2018

KVS 4.0.3 is available in beta mode. Huge set of player advertising and VAST enhancements, support for advertisement push notifications, enhancements in grabbers and some more.

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KVS 4.0.2

18 May, 2018

KVS 4.0.2 is available in beta mode. VAST advertising bugfixes, Google ReCAPTCHA integration, GDPR compliance enhancements; and several dozen of small enhancements and bugfixes.

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KVS 4.0.1

18 February, 2018

KVS 4.0.1 is available in beta mode. New branch and new development cycle. Many improvements in advertising module, conversion engine, player, grabbers and other areas.

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KVS v3.9.1

09 May, 2017

Version 3.9.1: Huge set of fixes and improvements for the new HTML5 player, improved player stability and video serving, many improvements in tube grabbers, support for access codes, enhancements in content access restrictions, paying tokens for traffic on the uploaded content: more than 50 total improvements!

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KVS v3.9.0

25 November, 2016

Version 3.9.0: Finally! The much-awaited brand new HTML5 player is here, with the features you already know, and then some. Anti-hotlink protection is now much more robust, video file link encryption, HD flag support for videos, separate rotation in categories and tags, a few major things optimised, plus tons of other new improvements in a new version of KVS!

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KVS v3.8.5

05 August, 2016

Version 3.8.5: Feature-rich content grabbers with autopilot support, multi-threaded import, PayPal support, token gifts and more.

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KVS v3.8.4

17 May, 2016

Version 3.8.4: Token payouts, localization features in the admin panel, theme configuration page, anti-spam features, more traffic saving features, 8 new theme languages, and dozens of other improvements in the new version of KVS!

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KVS v3.8.1

13 August, 2015

Version 3.8.1: New token-based features on your site, customizable tags, improved messaging, yet another batch of conversion engine tweaks, better admin panel usability and dozens of other fixes in yet another KVS version!

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KVS v3.8.0

01 May, 2015

Version 3.8.0: A lot more categorization options, series now supported, satellite content filtration improvements, different screenshot and photo cropping profiles for different image sources, import and import feeds improvements, users can now set content price and make money, optimizations and dozens of other fixes.

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KVS v3.7.0

22 January, 2015

Version 3.7.0: The new theme was finalized; playlists now have a lot more features; comments to posts; improvements in screenshot processing; better category avatar generation; full export feed localization.

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KVS v3.6.0

22 September, 2014

Version 3.6.0: HTTPS support, video and album list blocks perform much better, important language satellite improvements.

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KVS v3.5.0

17 June, 2014

Version 3.5.0: several crucial architecture-related faults with iframe codes and directory localization were eliminated. The way asynchronous requests are processed in all site blocks was reworked; player ad features were improved; users can now subscribe to models and sponsors. Plenty of minor improvements in site blocks.

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KVS v3.4.0

23 December, 2013

Version 3.4.0: Plenty of improvements in site and ad management, even more ad-related player features, abstract posts for any site content, updated statistics, scheduled backups, and much more.

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KVS v3.3.0

04 July, 2013

Version 3.3.0: major player update, conversion engine improvements and optimization, visual protection against automated content submissions, better administration panel usability and tons of other improvements.

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KVS v3.2.0

30 April, 2013

Version 3.2.0 is here: subscriptions to channels and users, DVDs / channels grouping, voting for comments, new plugin for calculating content stats, many enhancements in site blocks, and dozens of other improvements.

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KVS v3.1.0

09 March, 2013

KVS 3.1.0 released: stop words, token-based access enhancements, feeds improvements, player JS API reworked, quick start manual update and more.

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11 January, 2013

KVS 3 - the next level of our software evolution! Many conceptual changes, which make KVS even more functional, easy-to-use and robust. Don't miss!

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KVS v2.4.4

15 June, 2012

The new plugin to upload content via FTP, performance optimization on different levels, support for text messsages in videos / albums flagging and a dozen of small enhancements in various spheres.

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KVS v2.4.3

02 April, 2012

The new version has integration with NATS and UCDN, enhancements to the admin panel permission system, and a set of other small changes.

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KVS v2.4.2

12 March, 2012

KVS security concept changed, audit plugin was extended with security criteria check, audit plugin documentation added.

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KVS v2.4.1

12 February, 2012

With small New Year delays we are glad to release the next KVS version! New features in albums - multiple categories, flags support and other, importing feeds switched to parallel processing, mixed videos / albums blocks and much more in 2.4.1.

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KVS v2.4.0

10 December, 2011

The brand new version with highly demanded new features and enhancements is done. More than 22 changes! Check them out now!

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KVS v2.3.2

25 September, 2011

Added new admin panel plugins, added ability to import RSS feeds, integrated payment processor, refactored the concept of own embed codes - find these new features and much more in the newest KVS release!

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KVS v2.3.1

18 August, 2011

Migrated to ffmpeg 0.8, new video formats features such as limiting speed and conditionally-optional formats, some enhancements in photo albums and more!

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KVS v2.3.0

01 July, 2011

Huge enhancements in photo albums, added ability to connect albums to videos, added ability to restart any background tasks, added ability for bulk screenshots / albums formats re-creation, some small changes in rotator. Added a unique feature to debug website pages and much more!

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KVS v2.2.2

10 May, 2011

Big changes in rotator.

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KVS v2.2.1

22 April, 2011

New options in website list blocks, new billings added. Enhancements for videos export, importing and exporting feeds, audit plugin, massedit.

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KVS v2.2.0

24 March, 2011

Added video and video screenshots rotator! New options in building tube networks with KVS. And many other enhancements.

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KVS v2.1.1

05 February, 2011

Enhancements in importing feeds, conversion servers, audit plugin. New website block.

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KVS v2.1.0

17 January, 2011

Added several plugins: news and external search. New player version. Changes in video screenshots architecture. Website search optimization and more.

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KVS v2.0.6

30 December, 2010

Photo albums migrated to the new engine, many new features were added to them. Also some enhancements in video import, conversion logging, screenshots and more.

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KVS v2.0.5

08 December, 2010

Exporting feeds added, enhancements in video formats, player settings and more.

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KVS v2.0.4

15 November, 2010

Added epoch billing support, importing feeds, ability to create category avatars from videos and more.

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KVS v2.0.3

31 October, 2010

Enhancements in multiserver support, massedit, videos import, added ccbill and flagging.

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KVS v2.0.2

11 October, 2010

Some enhancements in default templates, enhancements for users and stats.

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KVS v2.0.1

26 September, 2010

Some changes in conversion engine

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KVS v2.0.0 - brand new architecture gives brand new opportunities

17 September, 2010

The brand new version which was started more than a year ago is finally released! We completely changed software architecture, which brought KVS to the next unbelievable level.

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KVS 1.5.0 - the brand new version (more than 45 new features!)

13 January, 2010

Having spent months buried in hard and consuming work, we are now happy to introduce yet another KVS update!

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KVS v1.4 is released

01 July, 2009

The awaited KVS 1.4 contains huge amount of big and small fixes and new features! We did our best to count as much as possible feedback from our customers.

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KVS v1.3 - new features

24 April, 2009

The new 1.3 version has populated all fixes and features from 1.1 and 1.2, which were not announced as news.

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The new professional tube-software has been released

01 February, 2009

Many of you have spent months waiting for truly feature-packed, reliable, easy-to-use and fast-working backend software to power your tube sites with. The moment has come. Having spent over a year building the product and testing it, Kernel Team is happy to officially release Kernel Video Sharing.

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I nostri fantastici temi

Scegli uno dei 6 temi di design reattivo completamente personalizzabili che meglio si adattano al tuo stile.

La nuovissima KVS 6.2.1 è qui Ordina ora