Syarat server

Persyaratan server minimal

  • Unix-like OS (Windows is not supported)
  • PHP 8.1 (PHP 8.2 is not yet supported)
  • IonCube Loader 13.0+
  • Mysql 5.6+
  • FFmpeg 1.0+ with libx264, libavfilter and AAC codec (libfaac, libfdk_aac or native ffmpeg aac codec)
  • ImageMagick (with WebP support)
  • cURL
  • Wget 1.14+
  • Apache with mod_rewrite (-MultiViews)
  • Latin domain name (punycodes are not supported)
  • Youtube-dl or Yt-dlp if you need video grabbers
  • You can download a test script to test your server here.

Syarat PHP minimal

Konfigurasi sing disaranake (sing dikarepake)
  • Memcached + PHP Memcached module
  • Nginx and proxying Apache. Nginx is recommended for faster video streaming and for content protection. To enable content protection you will also need to add some custom rules into Nginx configuration. This may not be possible for cPanel installations that do not provide any way to edit Nginx configuration, so we do not recommend using cPanel on servers where you plan to store video files.
  • PHP.ini memory_limit 512M
  • Using external caching such as eAccelerator or XCache is NOT recommended
  • Using suhosin with PHP is NOT recommended

Persyaratan kanggo skenario multiserver

Kabeh syarat ing ndhuwur ana gandhengane karo konfigurasi sing paling gampang, sing mung nggunakake 1 server fisik tunggal. KVS ndhukung server fisik kapisah kanggo panyimpenan isi utawa operasi konversi CPU-luwe. Yen sampeyan arep nggunakake server sing kapisah, bakal duwe syarat sing beda:

  • Server konten: PHP, Nginx dianjurake
  • Server konversi: PHP, FFmpeg, ImageMagick
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