KVS v2.4.3

02 April, 2012

NATS integration added.
Added Universal CDN support (ucdn.com).
Admin panel permission system was extended. You can configure now if administrators have access to all videos / albums or only to videos / albums they've created. This will allow creating limited administrators, who can log on into admin panel and work with their own content (upload, edit, delete, post-process screenshots / photos). At the same time they won't have access to videos and albums created by other administrators or website users.
A new KVS update plugin was added, which provides convenient step-by-step interface for updating your KVS project to a new version.
Models now store the date of their last content update. This field is re-calculated every 8 hours due to optimization reasons. You can use this field to display it in templates or for models list sorting.
The number of models custom text fields was extended to 10.
The ability to hide a subset of models from public site area was added. This can be achieved by using a new model field, which controls user's access level required for being able to see the model.
Added ability to display related videos by DVD / channel.
Logon block was extended with option, which allows configuring whether only Premium members can log in. This option can be used if you want to prevent standard members from logging in.
In admin panel you can now change video / album status on screnshots / photos page.
Few small corrections and bugs.
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