Version 3.4.1 is available for update

06 February, 2014

The conversion engine was optimized so that it does not rely on FTP as much when copying source files to the conversion servers. A new setting lets conversion servers download files from the primary server. This may drastically improve engine speed on primary server when you are using several conversion servers, as source file downloads will be parallel.
Vertical videos created with mobile devices rotated at 90 degrees are now supported.
Lists of videos, photo albums, and posts in the admin panel can now display only entities that either have already been published, or have not yet been published (taking into account their status and posting date).
Conversion server lists now features mass operations that let you delete, activate, and deactivate multiple servers. Also, you can now enable automated script API updates. This will update the API on your servers to newer versions as long as such versions exist.
The list_videos block now supports sorting by release year.
The video_view and album_view blocks now let you specify the bookmark group a video or album belong to (KVS supports up to 10 bookmark groups).
In video_view, album_view, and post_view you can now display category group details when displaying categories.
User session details now include video and album bookmark totals.
You can now disable click processing in video, album, or post stats when a page with this content is loaded. To do this, you will need to send no_stats=true to page parameters.
Bugs that have been fixed:
- Background task of new screenshot format creation does not stop on errors anymore. Instead, it keeps working and displays an error log in the end.
- In some situations task folders on conversion servers could not be deleted.
- Pagination for list block with pseudo-random sorting could not be enabled.
- The 'up to' filter by release date did not include the top value, but now it does.
- Automated model, tag, and category selection plugins did not process queries with different case correctly.
- In random_video, sorting by rating/popularity for today did not work in the same way as list sorting.
- In export feeds, the embed code would not be included in the iframe.
- In personal settings, you could only enable the video player on video editing page in the Ultimate package.
- Directory access permissions would not be checked correctly when editing a post.
- With PHP < 5.3, importing would not run.
- Sorting by rating for a certain period would not include number of votes, only the total rating.
- A few pseudo-errors in template caching check were fixed.
- Randomization of alternative domain names in screenshot serving would not work correctly.
- In the feed export menu, links would not work correctly.
Important update info! In 3.4.0 we greatly enhanced website UI validation logic. Update updating you may find that admin panel and audit plugin show new website UI errors, which did not exist before. Don't worry, this doesn't mean that your site has been broken by the update. Just some new issues are found, which have not been validated before. In most cases new issues will be related to using the non existing advertising spot (in this case you can simply create an empty advertising spot with the required ID to make error disappear) and page components with empty template (you can remove this component if it is not used anywhere, otherwise please consider submitting support ticket).
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