KVS v2.3.0

01 July, 2011

Functionality of photo albums was significantly expanded and almost brought to functionality of video content. First, support of the deferred date of appearing on website was added to photo albums, i.e. post date. Second, import, export and mass edit options were added to photo albums in admin panel. These options work correspondingly with similar video options.
Now you can tie photo albums to videos. To do this, the field is added in admin panel on photo album editing page that allows you to specify video for the album. Thus, you can tie several photo albums to a one video (they will be displayed at video editing page). You can display the list of photo albums for video through list_albums block at the website. Similarly, for photo album, you can display a video tied to it through list_videos block.
Now you can restart any background tasks terminated with error. This option is available in the context menu on background task list in admin panel.
Now you can see the percentage of execution of long background tasks. If previously, when starting the task of creating new format of screenshots, you could wait for days without information on task progress, now % of execution is displayed for any long task.
Now it's possible to collectively recreate any screenshot or photo album formats. This feature is available in format context menu on the list of formats in admin panel. Selecting it, all the screenshots / images of the given format will be recreated (with new options of course) for all video / albums.
2 small add-ons added to the rotator. Firstly, it is now possible to enable forcing of displaying the best CTR screenshots for separate video lists at the website (list_videos block), even if some videos on these lists still in the process of rotation. This can be used, for example, for website index page, where it is always best to display only the most clickable thumbs. Second, it is now possible to display only the videos, which screenshots were not yet rotated. Thus, you can create a separate website page with such videos and redirect "trash" traffic there to speed up rotation.
The feature to migrate video from one group of servers to another was added to mass video editing. This feature will be useful for further expansion of the project, when you want to add new video formats, and there is not enough space on existing servers. To solve this problem, you can add new server group, migrate some videos there and create new formats utilizing the space which became free.
A unique feature to debug website pages was added, which in most cases will make your work with design or with adding new pages much easier. To get debug data on any site page, you should add ?debug=true parameter to page address. For this to work, you must be logged in to admin page. Debug data shows EVERYTHING that can be displayed at this address: what page in the engine is responsible for what you see on the screen, which components are used in the page template, which blocks are inserted at the page, configuration values of all blocks, and most importantly – as in any debugger, the list of all variables that you can use in the templates, as well as their current values! We hope that this new feature of KVS engine helps you to understand the details of website configuration and customization quicker and with fewer expenses.
Checking of all required KVS installation files was added to audit plugin. This check should allow at any time to obtain the information about custom changes in software made in your project.
Logging of all system processes was expanded, so that at any moment it was possible to get a log of the last launch of any process. A list of system logs, as well as information about KVS installation at your server is available on a new page in admin panel in the settings section (Installation info).
Additional option of pseudo-random sorting was added to list_videos and random_video blocks, which operates several times faster than normal random MySQL sorting. Test results on several resources showed that random sorting significantly slows down the retrieval of data for a large number of objects. Pseudo-random sorting works several times faster.
Postfix "(w)" next to the user name appeared on video / album lists in admin panel, if that user is a webmaster.
Few small corrections and bugs.
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