KVS v2.4.1

12 February, 2012

A block was added to support members' profiles deletion (member_profile_delete). Members can only request profile deletion, but the actual deletion is performed by an administrator.
Login block's logic was updated with built-in ajax handling, which you can use to log on members without passing them to login page.
In videos formats settings you can now configure height-based resize option in addition to width-based resize. This may be useful if you want your video files to match video resolution standards (720p, 1080p and etc).
A new block was added to render mixed lists of video and photo content (list_content). This block can display videos and albums using the same set of filters and sorting.
A new block was added to display tags cloud both for videos and albums at the same time (tags_cloud_v2).
Albums were enhanced to have many categories (prior to this version every album could only have 1 category).
You can now skip any data field (column) in videos / albums import.
Ability to specify main image number in import data was added to albums import.
Importing feeds were fixed to be processed in parallel. This change improves overall feed performance when you have several feeds that download video files at a low network speed.
Player formats switcher issue was fixed. When user selects another video quality using formats dropdown box, player will start the new video file from the current position instead of starting it from the beginning as it worked before.
"Remember me" option was added to logon block.
Models list block (list_models) was enhanced with model age filtering (from-to) as well as with search on models' titles and descriptions.
Ability to completely disable website from admin panel was added. When your website is disabled, a static HTML file (/website_unavailable.html) will be displayed to users. You can modify this file based on your needs.
A new option was added to videos / albums import. This option allows you configure if the imported videos / albums categories should be taken from their content provider categories.
Duration filtering (from-to) was added to videos list block (list_videos).
KVS admin panel administration feature was extended to allow configuring permissions for settings area. Previously only super-administrator can access settings area. Now you will be able to configure access to settings area for limited administrator accounts via standard permissions workflow.
Flags support was added to albums similar to videos. However in albums flags can be assigned to separate album images, not to the whole album (actually rating and comments work in the same way for albums). In other aspects albums flags work exactly as for videos (for example, you can configure rating via flags instead of using traditional star-based rating).
Ability to pull related albums was added to categories block (list_categories), models block (list_models) and content sources block (list_content_sources).
Few small corrections and bugs.
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